4. November 2018
New maintenance halls for ÖBB Technische Services Ltd. in St. Pölten
After its 110th anniversary since its founding in 1907, the traditional establishment of the Austrian Federal Railways was extended in 2018 by three new maintenance halls…
Since its founding in 1907 with a single department – carriage construction – ÖBB-Technische Services LTD has become a well-established service provider for smaller and larger railway companies, with a total of 25 locations in Europe (22 of them in AT).
Now the site in St. Pölten has been extended by three new maintenance halls.
Zeman was commissioned with the delivery and assembly of steel structures and cladding for two of them.
The two buildings with a total area of 5,500 m2 and 600 tons of steel structures, using steel girders with corrugated web (SIN) beams, have now been successfully delivered.
The application of SIN girdes in projects with large spans makes it possible to reduce the total weight of steel structures by 10-30%.

(1) http://www.dokumentationszentrum-eisenbahnforschung.org/blog/deefblog2017_ts_stpoelten110jahre.htm [Zugriff 05.11.2018]
(2) https://ts.oebb.at/de/ts und https://ts.oebb.at/de/ts/daten-fakten [Zugriff 05.11.2018]