16. February 2024
Successful Health Day for Our Fitters

Health is an important and complex issue, especially when you are doing physical labour. That’s why we organised a health day for our fitters, where they could explore important questions in a relaxed atmosphere: How do I feel physically and mentally at work, how can I improve my personal well-being and that of the team? The knowledge gained, for example on lifting loads that are easy on the back and knees, was then put into practice in combination with a health check.
The OptimaMed Oberzeiring health centre, just a few kilometres away from the assembly base in Fohnsdorf, was the perfect location. Our fitters then rounded off the evening in the nearby Fohnsdorf thermal spa.
The Zeman Health Day was well received, raising awareness of the importance of health and well-being in the workplace. The desire of many to repeat the health day shows how good and important such days together with colleagues are. A big thank you goes to you, dear fitters, for being so committed!