Palmenhaus Schönbrunn – Revitalised

Das Palmenhaus Schšnbrunn wurde von F. Segenschmid entworfen und 1882 vom Kaiser Franz Joseph I. eršffnet. Es ist das grš§te des Kontinents und zŠhlt baulich zu den schšnsten seiner Art. Es beherbergt die schšnsten Exemplare der historischen Pflanzensammlung Schšnbrunns.
©Waagner Biro
Waagner Biro steel and glass GmbH
Waagner Biro steel and glass
Country, City:
Austria, Vienna
Object category:
architecture building, structural alteration works
glass, steel

Already in the 19th century one of the predecessors of Waagner Biro (Ig. Gridl) erected one of his most exciting steel-glass buildings: the Palmenhaus, one of the highlights of Schloss Schِnbrunn in Vienna. Damages caused by environmental influences required a renovation of the ancient steel glass building. Waagner-Biro again was ... ordered to fulfil this demanding assignment. From 1986 until 1990 the complete steel structure and the scale-like glazing had to be reconstructed. Old riveting technique and modern technologies had been combined to solve the existing problems and to perform the building following the ancient ideas and performance targets. The “New Palm house” was opened in 1990.