Mittal Steel Poland rolling mill
- Company:
- Zekon Spólka z o. o., Zeman & Co GmbH, Zeman HDF Spólka z o. o.
- Client:
- Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH & Co (Mittal Steel)
- Investor, Builder:
- Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH & Co (Mittal Steel)
- Designer:
- Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH & Co
- Country, City:
- Poland, Krakau
- Object category:
- Hall, warehouse, logistics, commercial and production, Industrial plants
- Material:
- Roof, facade, steel
- Services:
- Assembly, Engineering, Production, Supply
- Completion:
- 2007
Work carried out: Various new hall constructions, hall extensions and conversions: structural calculations, detailed planning, production, delivery and assembly of steel structures, wall cladding, roof coverings, strip lighting, gates and crane runways. Installation of system components such as gravel filter and emergency water tank.